Friday, November 26, 2010


We got to go see the Red Wings/ Thrashers game last Wednesday night

They lost :( (The Red Wings that is) but we had fun anyway and thanks to Andrew's parents for getting us the tickets!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving. We went to THREE (3) that's right, three dinners. It was fun though and I am SO thankful for all the wonderful people in my life that I love so much!

Here's our little family on our way to our first Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa Hoppers

Here's some shots from dinner at my Moms

David has to make a weird face (of course...)

Maggie was worn out after a long day of playing w/ the other dogs

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Workin' on my book tonight :) Up to 85 pages on MS Word and just shy of 34,000 words :) I really hope this gets to be a real book someday. I'm a little biased but I think it's a really good story.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Just finished making a facebook for my momma-in-law :) haha. I need to go to bed. Found out today that I've been wearing the wrong size bra. Thank you Victoria's Secret. Although...I have a theory that they make their bras smaller than normal so that they can tell you you are bigger than you are which makes you happy so you buy their super comfy demi bra that they make you try on. haha. Also you think...oh no. All my old bras are the wrong size. I should really buy this lovely new one that is the right size. Oh well. It is really comfy and I did need a new one. Hmmm...what else....I also found a shirt that I really liked in the clearance section at Macy's. Too bad it was a regularly priced shirt that some jerk just stuck over there and I didn't like it enough to pay 30 bucks for it. Ok...well...I think I will go to bed now. I've gotta work tomorrow. Gag!


Monday, July 5, 2010

New Jersey

Happy belated Fourth everyone! I hope that you all had a safe and wonderful holiday! We're still here in New Jersey and having a blast! Going to visit Tante Magda and Uncle Eddie today so that'll be fun :) Well that's pretty much it. I'll post pictures later :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Goin to see the midnight viewing of Eclipse with my bestie! :D

Saturday, June 26, 2010


So remember those 17 mosquito bites I had. Well it turns out there were more like 22+ and they weren't so much mosquito bites as chiggers. Bleh! I feel so violated. This is why I don't like to go out in nature. I enjoy it from a distance, but no more standing in the woods for me.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

For my minion

So apparently I'm not the only one who reads this thing so for my dear minion I am updating haha.

Let's see...right now I'm chillin here watchin Highlander and the UPS guy just came with Chirssy's b-day present from Andrew. So that's exciting :D

Happy early birthday to my dear sister while I'm thinking about it. She should now be cast free! Woohoo!

Also I am COVERED in mosquito bites. There is definitely at least one of those evil bloodsuckers hanging out in our apartment having a smorgasbord of Andrew and I. I am currently rockin' at least 17 bites myself. :( It's a very itchy situation.

Ummm....what else...I dunno. I'm lookin forward to some yummy steak and shake w/ coupons and 1/2 price shakes at happy hour with Lishie :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

For the love of squirrels

So I mentioned earlier that Maggie is obsessed with squirrels. Well I got some pictures of her freaking out about one the other day and thought I'd put them on here. She looks so stinkin' cute when she gets excited. :D

When the squirrel didn't decide to come down and play with her, she decided she'd just sit and wait for it to change it's mind. She's so silly. Love her :)

Friday, June 4, 2010


I miss Andrew. He needs to come home now. I don't know how I'm going to survive the Kuwait trip. I dunno how Alicia has made it this long with Doug in Iraq. Poor thing.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

So I just finished reading Peter and the Secret of Rundoon. It's the third book in this series by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. The books are prequels to Peter Pan and I love them. I highly recommend them to anyone who enjoys Peter Pan.

The first two are Peter and the Starcatchers and Peter and the Shadow Thieves if anyone is interested.

Well I'm doing laundry and about to start another book so I'm off.

Friday, May 7, 2010

It never rains but it pours

So we did get our new fridge! :) Yay! But, today my car decided that it no longer needed to shift into park. I had to disagree so I ended up canceling my lunch with my friend Amanda and taking the car to mom's to have Bill look at it. It turns out that some of the internal plastic bits of my shifter were broken and so it wasn't pushing down properly on the shifter. So anyways, I have to get that replaced, but for now Bill just took the shifter top off so I can just push the internal part down myself. So that'll just have to do for now until I can get a new top for it. Anyways, other than that it was a pretty good day. Oh except I have an oil leak apparently. Oh well just another thing to fix. Well Drew is flying tonight so I'm off to bed to read a little and then get some sleep cuz I gotta open tomorrow at the spa. Night

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So our fridge is broken. Now thankfully we live in an apartment so they get to buy a new fridge instead of us. I just thought of that. And I think it's God's way of saying "Hey you've been a little crazy angry today and you should probably stop and count your blessings little missy." So there goes my anger. But I tell you what I was really really annoyed today. Well...not the whole day. I was actually fine most of the day. I got to read 100+ pages of a really great book (Peter and the Secret of Rundoon - Dave Barry & Ridley Pearson) and I wrote a couple pages of mine (by the way if you didn't know I'm writing a book) and work was really really slow and I was the only one there from like 2-5. So really I was fine until closing time. When I was annoyed because Andrew had not called me back (although it turns out that he had and I just wasn't at the desk to answer it) and I couldn't get ahold of him and I wanted to know if I should bring home one of the pizzas that i had to bring to work (along w/ the rest of our freezer contents) to save them from going bad. And some people stayed until like 5 minutes after close so then David and I had to stay like 20 minutes after close to finish cleaning everything up. And I forgot my phone when we did leave, but was too tired and frustrated to go back and get it (plus I had a defrosting pizza in my car) and this same stupid phone had been very low on battery all day and that was annoying because last night when I thought about plugging it in, it said that it had full battery. Anyways, it was just one of those days that made me wanna fact I did scream a couple times. But yea I'm ok now. I got some pizza. We got a cooler of ice filled w/ the perishables from the fridge and hopefully tomorrow we'll get a new fridge and all will be right w/ the world.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Squirrel Fever

OK. You see this dog?

This is how she spends most of her time. Snoring on the carpet.

However, as of late, glorious Spring has roused the young chipper squirrels from their long winter naps and Maggie has a squirrel obsession.

I think it's adorable. Her tail gets wagging. Her ears perk up and she looks 5 years younger.

The only problem: Now that we live in an apartment she has to do her squirrel chasing on my time because I have to walk her. This means that when I say "You wanna go out?" she now gets very excited. However, she is not excited because she needs to go to the bathroom. It is because she may get to chase a squirrel. Unfortunately this means that I have to get dragged all over the complex by a 60 lb dog who is hell bent on checking every tree for little gray twitchy critters.

Yesterday this 8 year old fat lazy dog attempted to climb a tree to get a squirrel. That was actually pretty hilarious. Today she got us stuck wrapped around someone else's car when she went through some prickly bushes trying to a get a squirrel that I'm fairly certain was playing a game with us. Anyway that was not nearly as funny since I had to let go of her leash and then chase her down in my rain boots. *sigh*

In short. It makes me miss winter when the squirrels were hibernating. to my dentist appointment.

Tuesday Morning

So I'm sitting here eating "Strawberry Awake" a.k.a. the knock off brand of special K w/ strawberries. It's ok, although I have learned that I'm not a big fan of dehydrated strawberries. I have a dentist appointment this morning so that should be fun. I love our receptionist Becky so pretty much I get excited to go to the dentist so that I can see her. Haha. Anyways, I just put some pics from my phone on my computer and I had one of me with straight...ish hair so I decided to throw it on here for y'all to see :)

Have a blessed day y'all :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

First Post :)

So...I figured I'd give this whole blogging thing a try. Our lives aren't particularly exciting at the moment, but I like the cute backgrounds so I decided to go ahead and get one of these :)

So let's see. Here's some pics from the 80s party that Andrew and I went to a couple of weekends ago.